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Sunday 26 June 2011

France or Bust!

So again, it's been some time since I have posted only because this season has been so busy with trying to develop the Sentra further.  This alignment issue is still driving me nuts!  After each race my alignment shifts.  I've looked at every bolt only to find nothing.  I've added Torrington bearings to the spring perches for nothing. 

I did learn that my front struts were bumping off the bump stops though which possibly could have caused the alignment issues when it bottomed out.  I simply just put a couple of zip ties on the shock shaft at the base where it enters the strut body.  As I hit a bump it would move the zip tie up the shaft and stay there.  After my first run, low and behold the zip ties were shoved so far into the bump stops that you could tell that they were psychologically damaged.  Poor bump stops and struts.  Now that I lifted the car 1/2" road irregularities feel so much softer.  It'll get some getting used to because I'm so used to a rock solid suspension, but it should help with absorbing bumps during the autocross runs that I should stick a bit better.  I think my wife may also enjoy the ride a little better since now small divets in the road don't feel like gaping deep pot holes.  It is so much less jarring.

Also, I found that my main nut that keeps the whole halfshaft assembly on was super loose.  That was probably the issue I was having with vibrations at high speed.  Finally I solved that issue.

Anyways, to keep up to date with the Autocross series here is the location of the results. PITL Race Series 2011 Results

I had to miss 2 races but race #4 was fairly decent.  The competition is great in my class.  There are some really good drivers there and it pushes me that much harder. 

I realize this is supposed to be a blog about the E-Crosser, but since not much is going on with that, I might as well write about the going ons in my world of racing.

Speaking of going ons, my wife and I are going to France in 2 days.  What I am looking forward to most is the drive through France from Nice to Paris.  Cutting through tunnels and carving up the roads overlooking cliffs, on the D2 going up to the Napoleonic Route.  I'll write about that when I get back, but unfortunately to cut some costs we had to rent a VW Golf (definitely not a GTI), but at least over there, rental cars are manual!  That's sweet.

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