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Thursday 24 July 2014

Montreal Sugar Bomb vs The Wash and Wax

I have never actually ever done a product review, other than that Tesla a bunch of moons ago.

It's because a lot of my product purchases are all about where I might have seen an advertisement, and really those products have had so many write ups that what is the point of another one.  But, with this product, I've never actually read one before so why not write one up for it.

Oh, and before you say that I'm easily influenced...yes, I am, and I'm one of those who is influenced by the marketing strategies designed up by those evil corporate marketing geniuses.

If I see a new product in Grassroots Motorsports Magazine I'll be tempted to purchase that product.  If I see an ad from Walmart or Canadian Tire, I am rarily influenced.  That's because I view Grassroots Motorsports Magazine as the people who would only place an ad if they truly believe in that product (which I know is probably completely false).  But, I view those big box stores as corporate money makers out only to make the shareholders richer, and truly don't stand behind "Product X's" claims.  As along as product X pays the bills, they are content.  Why else would we see crazy products like those silly gas additives claiming more power, and better efficiency.

I think I'm getting off track here. Let's get back to why I'm writing this blog and talk about the story at hand.

My friend Wayne Yeates at Way's Performance Services (Maybe I've written about him say, a hundred times now) gave me a product to try out.  It is called Emzone Waterless Wash and Wax.

So let's see the claims...As easy and spray and wipe, check.   No water needed (unless you took your vehicle mudding or off-roading in a swamp, or had some stupid kids throw a sugar bomb at your car), check.  Made in Canada, check.  Convenient to carry around in your trunk because you all know, a clean car gets you the B's, check.  Let's wash this motha!!!

I've been holding onto it now for the perfect time that I could use it.  And that time was a couple of weeks ago after a trip to Montreal.

One night I was a victim of a targeted sugar bomb attack in the suburbs of Montreal.

Before I continue, a sugar bomb is a balloon or condom filled with concentrated sugar syrup, AKA, simple syrup to all those chefs out there.  You throw said filled balloon at any passer-byer, car, horse, or what have you and as the water evaporates, what's left is a thick, crystally layer that is harder to chip away than winter ice.

Because I'm from the centre of the universe known as Toronto; and I have the Ontario license plates to prove it, one morning I stepped out to a car completely covered in the caked on crystally mess of dried sugar.  Its not fun to scrape it off the windows, and rinsing it with a hose leaves a cloudy residue on everything.

After giving the car a good hose off from the kindly landlord who was in charge of the building I was staying at, and going to the car wash and getting the luxury executive wash and wax, the residue still stuck on like peanut butter and honey on a child's fingers.  It was time for a good hand wash and wax.

I gave the Sentra a good hand wash to get rid of all the residual crud, and dried it off thoroughly.

The proper tools to use.
Then I started with the Emzone Waterless Wash and Wax.  It seemed like it would be simple enough with the glowing product endorsement right on the bottle.  You have to believe the bottle right?...don't.

Yes, it works OK, but after following the instructions I was not getting the proper finish as they advertised, on the bottle.  Liars?!?

Here are the bottles instructions.

• Work in a shaded area for best results. - Duh.
• Rinse off excess mud or dirt if necessary.- I realize that.
• Shake can well before spraying. - I have used spray paint before you know.
• Spray a light coat on a small surface area (1 m² / 3 ft²) and allow 30 sec. to loosen and lift dirt.
• Gently wipe in a circular motion using a terry cloth or microfiber towel to lift away the dirt.
• Using a second, clean microfiber towel, lightly buff area to bring out a high gloss shine.

Do not use one of these wax buffing pads.
They are just too small to get to all the
surface in time before the wash and wax
dries out.
Experimenting around with the way I applied it, did create the results that I wanted, but it was a lot of experimenting.  I think that at the end of the day it always will depend on where you are using it.

I was in a moderately windy driveway, and the temperatures were also moderate.  What killed me was the wind.

I did end up switching over to my standard Mother's Synwax for the large flat areas like the hood, and roof top because it is always dependable for a glassy, deep finish.  I found that the spray and wash just showed too cloudy and streaky for those flat surfaces.

A close up of the
Emzone Wash and Wax after
getting the proper technique
of applying it correctly.
I will say though, this product if applied perfectly will create a lasting finish.  It's been 3 weeks now and the car still feels smooth in the areas that I used it.  Just the same as the Mother's Synwax.

Here are my notes though about what I had to do to get a good finish.

  • Be quick and don't do the area that they recommend for spray. Especially in windy areas. Let dry for no more than 10 seconds 5-1- seconds in slight wind. No sun.
  • Spray about 1.5 square feet. (Not 3 square feet that they say)
  • First wipe with very soft microfiber about 5-10 seconds after. Wipe immediately with a very short haired microfibre cloth that is a bit harder.
  • It is very difficult for consistency of finish especially since some over spray exists and will harden.  You will need to go over the over spray parts again.

Looks good right?
So the end verdict.  Is it better?

The answer, yes and no.

If you don't have access to water then yes it is better than nothing but it won't work if you have solid particulate like caked on mud or thick dust or rust proofing.

It was good in combination with a good water wash initially.

It is faster than traditional wax but no where near as effective. Again, better than nothing.

It does leave the car feeling like it was just waxed but it just is not as deep of a shine than traditional synthetic waxes.

But, if you have access to water for a good hand wash, and a little bit of time, then only use the traditional waxes especially if you have been sugar bombed....DUH!

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