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Saturday 19 March 2011

A Tip I picked up about Sanding Rust on Sensitive Parts

This has nothing to do the E-Crosser but this tip really helped me with removing rust from brake caliper cylinder and the sliders.

Last weekend I was rebuilding some spare brake calipers for my Spec-V and had a bitch of a time unseizing the slider posts.  Those slider posts were completely welded to the main body and over a course of an hour and a half, a few choice obscenities, and enough banging with a mallet to make the almighty Thor, God of Lightning jealous, they finally came out.  Also the main cylinder was rusted, but not seized.. 

Now here is the tip I learned.  I soaked the parts in vinegar for a few minutes to help break up the rust.  Being acetic acid it will eat away rust, but do not leave it too long or else it will start eating the part and create a pitted surface.  After taking the parts out of the vinegar, I washed them with water and then I used aluminum foil like sand paper.  Since the foil is a softer metal than the steel of the parts I was cleaning, it didn't scratch the surface.  And from what I have also read, Aluminum Oxide is a polishing agent so maybe it helped in polishing, but I'm no scientist.

I sprayed rubber conditioner on all the rubber components exteriors, fogged the interior of the main cylinder to prevent rusting during storage (I had to make a note to clean out the cylinder when I use them in the future), and packed them up in bubble wrap and boxed them.

That's it.  find it useful or useless, your call.

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